Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
The Fellowship Committee provides opportunities to get to know your neighbours and to enjoy the company of others. Throughout the year we host lunches following somes of our church services, especially on Welcoming Sunday in October and before the Annual Congregational Meeting in February. Our biggest event during the year happens on the first Sunday in Advent when we organize our Fireside Dinner, young and older alike enjoy a traditional Christmas Dinner, and we also accommodate special diets so no one is left out. We have also tried several fellowship events such as line dancing, square dancing and bowling. We try to have lots of fun and share many laughs. We also make it our mission to involve all generations in our events and are always grateful for youthful volunteers who bring their enthusiasm and energy!
Interested in joining the Fellowship Committee or suggesting a fellowship event? Please speak to members of the Committee or contact the Chair of Fellowship, Debbe Scott, through this website. This committee is a good way to get acquainted with others, to share some enthusiasm and fun. The ability to make sandwiches and peel potatoes is optional!hatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.