Labyrinth Walks
A Path for Prayer and Meditation.
A Tool for Transformation and Healing.
A Walk with you Soul.
Labyrinth Walks
NB: COVID-19 — Labyrinth walks are now available outside on the Ballantyne side of the church. It is available 24/7. Please remain respectful of social distancing and wait for your turn if someone else is walking through.
Labyrinth Walks are offered either Sunday afternoon or Tuesday evening, once per month between October and May. The Chartres Cathedral design is printed on a paper-like surface, laid on the floor in Wadsworth Hall. The room is softly lit by candles, with gentle music playing in the background. Not a maze which is like a puzzle, the Labyrinth is has a single pathway which eventually takes one to the centre, then allows you to return by re-tracing your steps back to the beginning. For most, this very ancient walking meditation is a peaceful experience at least, with the chance to arrive at more profound insights. You may walk with something on your mind or with nothing in particular. By focusing on following the path, you are put in touch with your own inner wisdom, your intuition, the collective unconscious, the spirit, or whatever you care to call it. What matters is that you are open to the thoughts, ideas, answers, or suggestions that may arrive as you walk.
We ask that you walk in socks or slippers. The Labyrinth is open to first time walkers as well as seasoned ones. There is no charge. A walk can take 20 minutes, but often lasts longer depending on your pace, whether you pause in the centre or at other parts of the walk. This is an individual meditation so one finds one’s own rhythm. Information is available there or you may direct any questions in advance to this website. Labyrinths cross all cultures. All are welcome.