John 4 : 24
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
The Worship Committee, led by Ms. Carolyn Cronk, includes the membership of Reverend Mark, the music director, the christian development director, the communion co-ordinator, elders and congregant members who meet regularly to help guide Reverend Mark and the music director plan upcoming services and provide feedback on past services. The christian development director keeps the committee informed on how the Sunday School children and youth plan to contribute to services, for example, performing in the Christmas pageant and participating in the Palm Sunday service while the communion co-ordinator helps find people to set-up and serve Communion. The committee recruits readers for the Sunday services, and is always accepting new volunteers.
Your comments and feedback on the Worship Services are always welcome! Please speak with Carolyn at church or send an e-mail to the church office at mwucoffice@gmail.com.